Sales Contact: Jean Park

Phone: 818-923-5166

Write to:

Los Angeles, California
Tel. +45 145 66 37


About Vino Sur: the Southern California wine hub!

We have been serving the Bay area Since 2010, from our distribution location in San Francisco, and we are excited to add another location in Los Angeles serving the southern California. We import wines directly from Chile and Argentina.
Our main mission is to provide each of our clients with a unique and incomparable wine experience, taking people who prefer our products into an amazing journey surrounded by incredible and new flavors and stories that will take them on a direct flight to the central Valley of Maule.

Chilean wine has a wide range of flavors and textures due to the different climates and reliefs we found in it. This is why our main goal as company is being the connection bridge between the Chilean wines qualities and the ones who have not live this experience yet, as well as to expand our distribution points to as many people and cities as possible, allowing our consumers live the wine experience and enjoy the best quality and flavor of wines made and brought from the southernmost country in the world: Chile.

Our Brands

Awarded and best selling
wines of Chile

Chile and it’s valleys:

Chile is recognized by being a country with amazing geographical formations. The Andes mountain range, the Atacama Desert and the Pacific Ocean are the main geographical barriers that allow the creation and existence of different types of climates and landscapes throughout its territory.
A great luminosity, thermal amplitude, a dry climate during the maturation period and vineyards watered by the mountains’s water benefits the production of a healthy and pure grape with a great potential.
Chilean wine has unique flavors and textures and the best quality on its products.
The wine valleys of Chile represent a great national importance. One of the most important valleys we can find throughout the territory is the central valley of Maule, located in the 7th region, called the Maule region. This is where our products come from.
This valley passes through the Andes mountain range and the Coastal mountain range, geographic formations that give rise to the existence of countless reliefs, agricultural basins and microclimates, which allows this area of the country to be extremely fertile and to have the optimal conditions of productions for the best wine.
Wines from the end of the world.